Prevention Top Tips !

 Chimney sweeping :

Legislation requires you to have your chimney, flue pipes professionally cleaned once a year and it is recommended it is done twice a year –
once during the period when it is being used. The sweeping should ensure the soot and the deposits are cleaned fully. Good maintenance & cleaning of the chimney reduces the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning and the start of a chimney fire.

Boiler / Heater maintenance :

Maintenance and control of these appliances should be carried out at least once a year.
Normally it is for the occupant to have this carried out by a professional. You should be issued with a document confirming the appliance has been inspected and functions correctly. In the case of a fire you could be held responsible especially if there were any victims.

 Draining of the water system :

 In case of absence for both holiday and principle residences you should stop the water supply, drain the water system and/or add appropriate antifreeze solution to water held appliances.

Smoke detectors :

Property owners and occupants are responsible for the installation and/or the maintenance of the detectors (DAAF : Détecteur Avertisseur de Fumée).

It should significantly reduce the unnecessary loss of life, prevent injuries and minimize damage by alerting you to a fire as early as possible.

You have to equip your property with at least one smoke detector. Please make sure

  • it conforms to the French norm NF EN 14604
  • it is marked with the CE notation
  • it emits a sound/alarm of at least 85 dB (A) audible at three metres
  • it includes a power indicator