Léna Eaton

Winter prevention Top Tips !

Chimney sweeping :

Legislation requires you to have your chimney, flue pipes professionally cleaned once a year and it is recommended it is done twice a year –
once during the period when it is being used. The sweeping should ensure the soot and the deposits are cleaned fully. Good maintenance & cleaning of the chimney reduces the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning and the start of a chimney fire.

Boiler / Heater maintenance :

Maintenance and control of these appliances should be carried out at least once a year.
Normally it is for the occupant to have this carried out by a professional. You should be issued with a document confirming the appliance has been inspected and functions correctly. In the case of a fire you could be held responsible especially if there were any victims. Continue reading

Security for your French home – Don’t leave it to chance !

Holiday homes and principle address : 1000 break-ins a day throughout France !

Are you really doing your best to avoid a very unpleasant and stressful experience ?

You might have good reasons to think that this is unlikely to happen to you : quiet Hamlet, very watchful neighbours, difficult access… but the truth is we are all vulnerable.

The intruder detector we propose has been created by Verisure (Securitas Direct) and the price has been negotiated on your behalf by Générali.

The cost of the system varies due to the nature of the property but starts from only 218,90€ for the equipment and installation with a monthly fee from 31,90€.

To see how you will gain peace of mind with this alarm, click on the link for details in English  Verisure details

Control the security of your property, protect your family, call us directly on +33 (0) 2 97 40 80 20  to obtain your free, personalised and non committal quotation.

Logo Verisure par Securitas Direct.jpg

Pet insurance in France


From the age of 3 months to 6 years old, 3 Formulas to choose from, all include illness and accident.

From 12,30€/month for your cat

From 13,33€/month for your dog

GAV ! Private Accident Policy !

This relatively new type of Policy has been encouraged by the Government and has been greatly received by all social sectors.

The chief aim of the policy is to provide Financial assistance after a domestic/leisure time accident : at home, school, on Holiday in France or abroad, gardening, crossing the road, DIY, sports, aggressions, medical errors…

With over 11 million accidents a year, 50% happen at home !

This Policy has been identified of Paramount importance to all French résidents.

  • Offering Financial protection,
  • Easing the difficulties if living with a disablement,
  • Helping conserving dignity

For less than 50 cts a day !

New Law on smoke detectors


ALL households are required to be fitted with smoke detectors by 8 March 2015.

Property owners and occupants are responsible for the installation and/or the maintenance of the detectors (DAAF : Détecteur Avertisseur de Fumée) by that date.

It should significantly reduce the unnecessary loss of life, prevent injuries and minimize damage by alerting you to a fire as early as possible.

You have to equip your property with at least one smoke detector. Please make sure  :

  • it conforms to the French norm NF EN 14604
  • it is marked with the CE notation
  • it emits a sound/alarm of at least 85 dB (A) audible at three metres
  • it includes a power indicator


Générali advantages : 

If you are a Générali client,  purchase a Kidde detector (and benefit from up to 20% discount) by calling 01 49 39 41 43 or on line www.avantage.boutique-kidde.fr

Their products comply with the current legislation.

Mortgage Life Insurance

NEW !!!  Mortgage Life Insurance cover available to French and Non French residents.  Contact us !

Accident report form French English

IMPORTANT : Constat amiable, à compléter, vous trouverez ci-dessous notre version Française/Anglaise

eaton-french-insurance-constat amiable-auto-Français-Anglais-1


Toute l’actualité

Autoroutes : le tarif des dépannages augmente au 1er juillet 2014


De nouveaux tarifs de dépannage sur autoroutes et voies express vont entrer en vigueur à partir du 1er juillet 2014.

Suite à la publication d’un arrêté au Journal officiel du mardi 17 juin 2014, le prix forfaitaire des opérations de dépannage sur place par un garagiste agréé sera désormais de 122,84 euros (au lieu de 121,18 euros jusqu’ici) pour les véhicules d’un poids total inférieur à 3,5 tonnes.

Les remorquages connaîtront également une hausse des tarifs :

  • 122,84 euros (contre 121,18 euros) pour les véhicules dont le poids est inférieur ou égal à 1,8 tonnes
  • 151,90 euros (contre 149,85 euros) pour les véhicules dont le poids total est supérieur à 1,8 tonne et inférieur à 3,5 tonnes.

Ces tarifs sont applicables sur toutes les autoroutes de France, ainsi que sur les voies express.

Bon à savoir : les prix sont majorés de 50 % pour les demandes effectuées entre 18 heures et 8 heures du matin, ainsi que pour les appels effectués les samedis, dimanches et jours fériés.

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